

Update Time:Sep 9th, 2022


Shandong Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences 


Shandong Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences was formed by the merger of the former Shandong Institute of Biological Drugs, Shandong Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry, and Shandong Institute of Medical Devices. It is affiliated to Shandong Provincial Commercial Group Co., Ltd. Taking the realization of independent innovation in drug research as the main starting point, on the basis of optimizing and integrating existing technologies, we will build an innovative drug research and development platform featuring biological drugs, chemical drugs, sugar drugs, marine drugs and natural drugs. 

  1. 以藥食同源中藥材為原料生產的發酵飲品、壓片糖果、固體飲料以及飲品,產品功能為助睡眠、提高免疫力、補腎益脾、代餐清脂等;產品有肉蓯蓉人參壓片糖果、透明質酸鈉膳食纖維飲品、雪蓮牡蠣肽固體飲料等。

  2. 利用中國特色植物資源例如油橄欖、紅花、黃芪、人參、積雪草、綠茶等,開發的抗衰、舒敏、修復、保濕、祛痘等系列的精華、乳液、膏霜和面膜。 

Fermented beverage, tablet candy, solid beverage and beverage, which using Chinese medicinal materials homologous to medicine and food as raw materials, have the effects of improved sleep quality, boost immunity, tonify the kidney and spleen, substitut 



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